Last Updated: 26 Dec 2024

My Wish List of Casino Ashtrays

Ashtrays that I'm looking to buy to add to my collection. Thanks for looking.

[My Collection]
My Wish List
[Collection + Wish List]

[1] 2

LNV-A1 Little Nevada
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Little Nevada, Bar - Hotel - Slots, Restaurant, Imlay, Nevada, Between Lovelock and Winnemucca" - Red

LCB-A1 Log Cabin Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Log Cabin Bar, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red on yellow

LBG-A1 Longhorn Bar
?" Silver Metal Ashtray
"Long Horn Bar, Hank and Irene Matteis, Gerlach, Nevada" - Black

LHN-A1 Longhorn, The
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Longhorn Saloon, Bar - Slots - Gaming - Cafe, 603 Aultman - Ph. 289-8522, Downtown Ely, Nevada" - White

LOT-A1 Lotus Inn
3 7/16" Silver Metal Ashtray
"Lotus Inn & Casino, 1213 Las Vegas Blvd So, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Embossed

LOU-A1 Louie's
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Phone 3351, Louie's Bar & Cocktail Lounge, Eureka, Nevada" - Black

LCD-04 Lucky Club, Joe Dini's
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Joe Dini's Lucky Club, Bar - Gaming, Yerington, Nev. Phone 681" - Red on white

LCD-A1 Lucky Club, Joe Dini's
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Joe Dini's Luck Club, Bar - Gaming, Yerington, Nev., Phone 68" - Red on white

LCD-C1 Lucky Club, Joe Dini's
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Pizza, Joe Dini's Lucky Club, Phone 463-2868, Yerington, Nev." - Blue on white

LCD-D1 Lucky Club, Joe Dini's
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Liquors, Beer on Tap, Joe Dini's Lucky Club, Phone 463-2868, Yerington, Nev." - Blue on white

LCD-F1 Lucky Club, Joe Dini's
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Joe Dini's Lucky Club, Yerington, Nev., Bar - Gaming" - Red on white

LHG-A1 Lucky Horseshoe Club
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Lucky Horseshoe, Gardnerville, Nev." - Brown

LSP-A1 Lucky Spur
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Lucky Spur Casino, Carson City" - Brown (Like LSP-02, except Style C)

LSH-A1 Lucky Star Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Your Lucky (Star) Restaurant, Saloon, Slot Machines, Henderson's Newest & Finest, Henderson, Nevada" - White on red

LSH-B1 Lucky Star Club
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Your Lucky (Star) Restaurant, Saloon, Slot Machines, Henderson's Newest & Finest, Henderson, Nevada" - White on blue

LBC-01 Lyon Bar and Casino
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"We Never Close - Gaming - Cocktails - Fine Food, Lyon Bar and Casino, Your Host Phil and Wynn, Where Friends Meet, Yerington, Nevada" - Red on white

LBC-A1 Lyon Bar and Casino
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Hotel Lyon, Bar & Cafe, Yerington, Nevada" - Red on white

LBC-B1 Lyon Bar and Casino
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"In Yerington It's The Lyon Bar, Yerington, Nevada" - Red

MAC-A1 Mac's Club
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"It's Mac's Club Tonight, Dancing - Gaming, On South Virginia Road, Reno, Nevada" - Red

MAC-A2 Mac's Club
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"It's Mac's Club Tonight, Dancing - Gaming, On South Virginia Road, Reno, Nevada" - Red

MAG-A1 Magnesium Casino
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Magnesium Casino, Gaming - Bar - Cafe, Open 24 Hours, Pittman, Nevada" - Black on yellow

MNE-A1 Main Entrance
3 3/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Main Entrance Carson City, Nevada, Generous Slots" - Black

MAP-C3 Mapes Hotel and Money Tree Casino
4 1/4" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Sky Room, Hotel Mapes, Reno, Nevada" - Black

MAP-C4 Mapes Hotel and Money Tree Casino
4 1/4" Red Metal Ashtray
"Sky Room, Hotel Mapes, Reno, Nevada" - Black

MAP-G1 Mapes Hotel and Money Tree Casino
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"hotel Mapes, Reno" - Red on white

MCG-C1 McGill Club
4 x 6" Clear Glass Ashtray
"McGill Club, McGill, Nevada" - Red on white

MSA-A2 Mesa, The
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Remember The Mesa, Mt. Rose Road, Reno, Food With a View" - Red on white

MGM-K2 MGM Grand Hotel (Las Vegas)
?" White Porcelain Ashtray
"MGM Grand Hotel" - Black

MGM-L1 MGM Grand Hotel (Las Vegas)
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas" - Red on white

MGM-M1 MGM Grand Hotel (Las Vegas)
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas" - Brown on white

MID-01 Midget Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Midget Bar, Dancing and Gaming Nightly, Biggest Little Bar in Ely, Nevada" - Black on white

MID-A1 Midget Bar
4 1/4" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Jim Niman's Midget Bar, Ely, Nevada" - Green on white

MID-B1 Midget Bar
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Spot for Fun, ''Biggest Little Bar in Ely'', The Midget, Phil and Ruby Erquiaga, AM. 4-9984" - Red

MID-C1 Midget Bar
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Midget Bar, Dancing and Gaming Nightly, Biggest Little Bar in Ely, Nevada" - Black on white

MID-E1 Midget Bar
4 1/8" Pearl Glass Ashtray
"Midget Bar, Dancing and Gaming Nightly, Biggest Little Bar in Ely, Nevada" - Red

MID-F1 Midget Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Midget Bar, The Biggest Little Bar in Ely, Dial 9956, Ely, Nevada" - Red

MNA-A2 Mina Club
4 1/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"Stolen From, Mina Club, Nick Marakas, Prop., Mina Nevada" - Black

MNA-A3 Mina Club
4 1/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"Stolen From, Mina Club, Nick Marakas, Prop., Mina Nevada" - Black

MNH-A1 Minden Hotel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Minden Hotel Casino, In The Heart Of The Beautiful Carson Valley, Excellent Cuisine, Keno - Slots - 21, Craps" - Blue and red on white

MND-B1 Minden Inn
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Stolen From Minden Inn Cocktail Lounge & Cafe, Open 24 Hours, Minden, Nevada, Finest Rooms in the Carson Valley" - White on black

MND-D1 Minden Inn
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"This was Stolen from The Minden Inn, Minden, Nevada, Coffeeshop - Gaming - Bar, Open 24 Hours, Good Luck, The Oswalds" - Green on white

MND-E1 Minden Inn
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"This was stolen from The Minden Inn, Minden, Nev., Open 24 Hrs, Good Luck, The Oswald's" - Red on white

MNR-A1 Miner's Club
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Compliments From Miners Club, Dancing, Gaming and Cafe, By Thomas White" - Black

MNG-A1 Miner's Club, Gerlach
3 5/8" Silver Paper Ashtray
"I Swiped This From Miner's Club Bar, Gerlach, Nev., Beer - Wines - Liquors, Jerry and Buck, Hogs enough to want your business, Men enough to appreciate it, Jerry and Buck" - Black

MIN-H8 Mint
4" Green Glass Ashtray
"The Mint, Coining Pleasure All The Time, 110 Fremont St., Downtown Las Vegas, Nev., DU 22244" - Black on red

MIN-R1 Mint
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"The Mint, Downtown Las Vegas" - Pink

MCW-A1 Mint Club (Winnemucca)
3 3/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Mint Casino, Winnemucca, Nevada" - Red

MIW-A1 Mint, Winnemucca
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Entertainment & Gaming Around The Clock, The Mint, Winnemucca, Nevada" - Green on white

MSN-A1 Mission Bar
?" Brown Plastic Ashtray
"Mission Bar, Las Vegas, Nev., Apache Cafe, Bar, Cocktail Lounge" - White

MIZ-E1 Mizpah Hotel and Mizpah Club
?" Brown Bakelite Ashtray
"Phone 542, Mizpah Motel, Tonopah, Nevada" - White

MOA-A1 Moana Coffee Shop
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Your Hostess - Grace Davis, Moana Coffee Shop, Reno, Nevada, South Virginia Road" - Red on white

MOM-A1 Mom's
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Mom's, Breakfast - Lunch, Bar & Fountain Service, Austin, Nevada" - Red on white

MON-A1 Monarch Cafe
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Monarch Cafe, Reno - Nevada, Virginia St." - Red

MCV-A2 Monte Carlo Club
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Monte Carlo Club, home of more Jackpots, Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada" - Yellow, green and red

MCV-A3 Monte Carlo Club
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Monte Carlo Club, Home of More Jackpots, 15 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black and red on yellow

MCV-B1 Monte Carlo Club
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Monte Carlo Club, 15 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black on yellow

MCJ-C2 Monte Carlo, Joby's
3 9/16 x 3 3/8" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"North Shore Monte Carlo, fine food - liberal slots, Lake Tahoe" - Red on white

MCJ-E1 Monte Carlo, Joby's
5 7/8 x 3 7/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Lake Tahoe, Monte Carlo, Crystal Bay, Nev." - Black

MCY-A1 Mountain City Hotel
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Mountain City Hotel, Bar and Cafe, Mountain City, Nevada" - Blue on white

MCM-A1 Mountain City Motel
3 5/8" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Mountain City Motel and Steak House, Cocktail Lounge & Casino, Mountain City, Nevada 89831, 1-(702) 763-6617 or 763-6622" - White

NBH-A1 Nevada Biltmore Hotel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Nevada Biltmore Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red

NBH-B1 Nevada Biltmore Hotel
2 3/4 x 3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Nevada Biltmore Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red

NBH-C1 Nevada Biltmore Hotel
5" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Howdy Podner!, Meet Me at the Hotel Nevada - Biltmore, Las Vegas, Nev., Phone - 2200, Bar and Casino" - Black and red on white (SAFEX style)

NCE-A1 Nevada Club (Eureka)
4 1/4" Copper Metal Ashtray
"Nevada Club, Best of Liquors, ''Where Old Friends Meet'', Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laborde, Eureka Nevada" - Black

NCF-A1 Nevada Club (Fallon)
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Food and Gaming, Nevada Club, Fallon Nevada" - Black on white

NCF-A2 Nevada Club (Fallon)
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Food and Gaming, Nevada Club, Fallon Nevada" - Red

NCH-A1 Nevada Club (Hawthorne)
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Nevada Club, Bar - Casino, Coffee Shop, Hawthorne, Nev." - Blue on yellow

NCX-A2 Nevada Crossing
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Nevada Crossing, Wendover, U.S.A., Hotel - Casino" - Red

NCC-N1 New China Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"New China Club, 260 Lake St., Reno, Nevada" - Red and blue on white

NSC-91 North Shore Club Hotel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Lake Tahoe, NSC, Crystal Bay, Nev." - Blue (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

NBC-A1 Northern Bar
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Compliments of Phil and Joe's Northern Bar, Gaming, Caliente, Nev." - White

NOR-91 Northern Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Northern Club & Bar, Race Horse Book, Poker - Faro, Roulette, Craps and ''21'', 15 Fremont Street, Las Vegas - Nev." - Black silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

NOR-A1 Northern Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Northern Club & Bar, Race Horse Book, Poker - Faro, Roulette, Craps and ''21'', 15 Fremont Street, Las Vegas - Nev." - Blue

NHE-A1 Northern Hotel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Northern Cocktail Lounge, Ely, Nevada" - Black on white

NCC-J1 Nugget (Carson City)
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Carson City Nugget" - Black and yellow

NCC-K1 Nugget (Carson City)
?" White Porcelain Ashtray
"''Strike It Rich'', Carson City Nugget, Carson City, Nevada, Last Chance Joe Says: ''you gotta send out winners to get players''" - Black and red

NFA-B1 Nugget (Fallon)
4 1/8" Pearl Glass Ashtray
"Fallon's Newest, The Nugget" - Black

NJK-E1 Nugget (Reno)
?" Silver Metal Ashtray
"Reno, Souvenir of the Nugget" - Red

NJA-C8 Nugget (Sparks)
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"John Ascuaga's Nugget, Sparks (East Reno)" - Red

NJA-G7 Nugget (Sparks)
3 9/16" Amethyst Glass Ashtray
"John Ascuaga's Nugget, 800-648-1177," - White

OAB-A1 Oasis Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Oasis, Dining, Dancing, 1295 East Second St., Reno" - Green

SRO-A1 Oasis Resort Hotel & Casino
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Si Redd's Oasis, Resort Hotel Casino" - Red (Mesquite)

OJI-01 Ojibwa Casino
4 3/16" Black Bakelite Ashtray
"Ojibwa Casino, Baraga, Mich. 906-353-6333" - White

OCB-A1 Old Corner Bar
?" Black Plastic Ashtray
"Old Corner, Carson City, Nev." - Gold

OCB-C1 Old Corner Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Old Corner, Carson City, Nev." - Red

OCB-D1 Old Corner Bar
?" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Stolen from Old Corner Bar, Carson City, Nev." - Black

OWI-A2 Old West Inn (Wells)
3 9/16" Amethyst Glass Ashtray
"Old West Inn, Wells, Nevada" - White (Large print)

OVB-A1 Overland Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Overland Bar, Where Good Friends Meet, Phone 2-1221, 244 No. Center, Reno, Nev." - Red on blue

OVB-B1 Overland Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Overland Bar, Where Good Friends Meet, Phone 2-1221, 244 No. Center, Reno, Nev." - Red on blue

OVB-C1 Overland Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Overland Bar and Casino, Reno, ''Never a Dull Moment''" - Red on blue

OVW-A1 Overland Bar - Winnemucca
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Overland Hotel & Bar, Gaming Slot Machines, Winnemucca, Nevada" - Red on white

OBY-A1 Owl Bar (Yerington)
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Whiskey - Wine - Beer, Gambling, Owl Bar, Phone 786, Angelo Sacchini, Yerington, Nevada" - Red on white

OBY-A2 Owl Bar (Yerington)
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Whiskey - Wine - Beer, Gambling, Owl Bar, Phone 43, Angelo and Ugo, Yerington, Nevada" - Red

OBY-B1 Owl Bar (Yerington)
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Gaming, Liquors - Beer - Wines, Angelo and Ugo, Yerington, Nevada" - Red on yellow

OWL-A2 Owl Club
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"Owl Club, Bar & Cafe, Eureka, Nevada" - White on red

OWL-A4 Owl Club
3 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Owl Club, Bar & Cafe, Eureka, Nevada" - White on red

OWL-A5 Owl Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Owl Club, Bar & Cafe, Eureka, Nevada" - White on red

OWL-B1 Owl Club
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Owl Club, Bar & Cafe, Eureka, Nevada" - White on red

OWL-B2 Owl Club
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Owl Club, Bar & Cafe, Eureka, Nevada" - White on red

PAB-01 Palace Bingo & Casino
3 3/16" Red Bakelite Ashtray
"Palace Bingo & Casino" - White (Minnesota)

PAC-20 Palace Club (Fallon)
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Palace Club, Always ''Your Best Bet'' All Ways, Fallon, Nevada" - Red on white

PAC-22 Palace Club (Fallon)
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Palace Club ''Your Best Bet'' Al-ways, Fallon, Nevada" - Blue

PAC-P1 Palace Club (Fallon)
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Palace Club, Fine Food & Fun, Fallon, Nevada" - Red on white

PAC-R2 Palace Club (Fallon)
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Palace Club, The Friendly Club, Liberal Machines, Fallon, Nevada" - Blue on white

PHA-A1 Palace Club (Hawthorne)
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Palace Club, ''Fritz'', Hawthorne, Nevada" - Red on white

PAC-D1 Palace Club (Reno)
?" Black Glass Ashtray
"I Hit The Jackpot At Reno's Palace Club, Famous Since 1888, The Oldest Gambling House In Nevada" - Yellow

PAC-E1 Palace Club (Reno)
?" Yellow Metal Ashtray
"Palace Club, Reno, Nev., The Original Home of Race Horse Keno, Always Open, Come As You Are" - Black

PAC-E2 Palace Club (Reno)
?" Orange Metal Ashtray
"Palace Club, Reno, Nev., The Original Home of Race Horse Keno, Always Open, Come As You Are" - Black

PAC-E3 Palace Club (Reno)
?" Black Metal Ashtray
"Palace Club, Keno Headquarters, Reno, Nevada" - Black on white

PLV-B1 Paris Las Vegas
4" White Porcelain Ashtray
"Paris, Las Vegas" - Black (Back: Paris, Las Vegas)

PTC-A1 Pastime Club
3 5/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Stolen From Pastime Club, Bar - Casino, Phone 892, Tonopah, Nevada" - White on red

PTC-A2 Pastime Club
3 5/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Stolen From Pastime Club, Bar - Casino, Phone 892, Tonopah, Nevada" - White on blue

PTC-B1 Pastime Club
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pastime Club, Gambling - Cocktails - Slots, Bill and Clara Stevenson, Tonopah, Nevada" - Blue on white

PEA-A1 Peanut Farm
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Peanut Farm, Bar-B-Qed Food, Cocktails & Gaming, 1/4 Mi. S. of Carson City, Nev., On U.S. Hwy. 50" - Red on white

PMR-91 Penmar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Penmar - Club, Penny Overman, Fallon, Nevada" - Red silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

PMR-A1 Penmar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Penmar - Club, Penny Overman, Fallon, Nevada" - Green on white

PMR-A2 Penmar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Penmar - Club, Penny Overman, Fallon, Nevada" - Black on white

PMR-A3 Penmar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Penmar - Club, Penny Overman, Fallon, Nevada" - Red on white

PPR-A1 Peppers Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pepper's Club, L. Pepper & Justo, You Play Me, Mixed Drinks, Phone 3-2238, Winnemucca, Nevada" - White on blue

PPR-B1 Peppers Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pepper's Club, L.B. Pepper & Justo Props., Phone 174, Winnemucca, Nev." - Red on white

PEQ-A1 Pequop Hotel
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Place Your Butts Here, El Bo Room, Wells Nevada's Finest Bar, Pequop Hotel" - Yellow and black on blue

PER-01 Pershing Hotel
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cafe Lounge Gaming, Pershing Hotel, The House of Joy, One Block off Hiway 40, Lovelock, Nevada" - Red on white

PER-A1 Pershing Hotel
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pershing Hotel, HI. & Opal Lawhead, Props., Cleaner Rooms, Better Beds, Lower Rates, Club Cafe, Lovelock, Nev." - Red on white

PER-B1 Pershing Hotel
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Cafe Lounge Gaming, Pershing Hotel, The House of Joy, One Block off Hiway 40, Lovelock, Nevada" - Red on white

PCL-A1 Pete's Cocktail Lounge
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"I Stole This From Pete's Cocktail Lounge, 241 Bridge St., Winnemucca, NEV., Phone 103" - Red on white

PIC-02 Piccadilly Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Piccadilly, Venite Vos Prodigi, Reno" - Red on yellow

PLD-A1 Pine Lodge Dinner House
4 1/2" Amethyst Glass Ashtray
"Pine Lodge Dinner House, Lamoille, Nevada, 702-753-6363" - Yellow

PPL-B1 Pink Panther Lounge
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pink Panther Lounge, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Pink on blue

PCP-A1 Pioche Club
?" Copper Metal Ashtray
"Pioche Club & Hideaway Lounge, You Are A Stranger Here But Once, Phone Yorktown 28645, Pioche, Nev." - Black

PCP-B1 Pioche Club
?" Brown Plastic Ashtray
"Pioche Club, Casino - Bar, Pioche, Nevada" - White

POH-A1 Pioneer and Overland Hotel
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Pioneer & Overland Hotel, This Ash Tray is Not Medicine And Should Not Be Taken After Drinks, Elko, Nevada" - Red on white

POH-B1 Pioneer and Overland Hotel
4 7/8" Gray Metal Ashtray
"Overland Hotel & Bar, Elko, Nevada, Pioneer Hotel & Bar, Elko, Nevada" - Black

PIO-91 Pioneer Club
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Meet me at the Pioneer Club and Cocktail Lounge, Downtown Las Vegas, Nev." - Red silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

PIO-J2 Pioneer Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"New Pioneer Club, Downtown, First & Fremont, Las Vegas, Nev." - Red on white

PIO-M2 Pioneer Club
4 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"New Pioneer Club, Howdy Podner!, Downtown Las Vegas" - Red on white

PIO-P1 Pioneer Club
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"New Pioneer Club, Downtown, Las Vegas" - White

PLA-20 Playfair
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Playfair, Home of more jackpots, State Line Village, Idaho" - Green on white

PBA-A1 Playland Bar & Arcade
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Playland Cocktail Lounge and Arcade, First & Carson Streets, Las Vegas, Nevada, Compliments of Midway Casino Co, Pittman, Nevada" - Red on white

PHC-02 Ponderosa Hotel Casino
3 5/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ponderosa Hotel Casino" - Red

PXP-D1 Pony Express
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Schellbourne, Bar Motel, Nevada" - Red

PXM-A1 Pony Express Club
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Pony Express Saloon, Minden Nevada" - Black

PXM-B1 Pony Express Club
3 7/16" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Pony Express Saloon, Minden Nevada" - Black on orange

PRI-F1 Primadonna Casino
4 7/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Reno's Newest And Finest, Primadonna Cafe" - Red on white

PYH-A1 Pyrenees Hotel
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Pyrenees Hotel & Bar, French Basque Family Style Dinners, Gardnerville, Nevada" - Red on white

RRP-A1 Railroad Pass Casino
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Liberal Slots, Chuck Wagon Dinners, Railroad Pass Casino, On Your Way to Hoover Dam, Roulette, Craps, ''21''" - Red on white

RRP-B1 Railroad Pass Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"All Aboard for the Railroad Pass Casino, On Your Way to Boulder Dam" - Black

RRP-C1 Railroad Pass Casino
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Bingo, Liberal Slots, Roulette - Craps - ''21'', Good Food & Snack Bar, Railroad Pass Casino, On Your Way to Hoover ''Boulder Dam'', Sip Your Favorite Drink at Our Famous Bar" - Green on white

RMA-A1 Ramona Hotel
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ramona Hotel and Bar, Box 5 Ph 92, Tonopah, Nevada" - White on red

RHC-B1 Ranch House Casino
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ranch House Bar, Wells Nevada" - Green on white

RHC-C1 Ranch House Casino
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ranch House, Bar - Cafe, Wells, Nevada" - Red on white

RHC-D1 Ranch House Casino
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Hiways - 40 - 93, Ranch House, Cafe - Bar - Casino, Wells - Nevada, Ray and Effie Holmes, Prop." - Red

RHS-A1 Ranch House Supper Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ranch House Supper Club, Tonopah Highway, P.O. Box 1737, 7 Miles Northwest of Las Vegas, Nev." - Green on white

RIN-A1 RanchInn
3 x 5" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Featuring The Popular Ranch Room, RanchInn, Nevada's Finest Commercial Hotel, Home of the Famous ''Lounge''" - Red and white

RIN-B1 RanchInn
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"RanchInn, Dining Room, Coffee Shop, Casino - Bar - Slots, Elko, Nevada" - Black on orange

RCO-A1 Red Coach
3 1/2" Amethyst Glass Ashtray
"Red Coach Casino, Silver Springs, Nev., 577-2295, Bingo - Slots - 21, Fine Food - Bar" - White

RFB-A1 Red Feather Bar
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Mona's Red Feather Bar - Gaming, Shuffleboard - Dancing, Ph. 5-9998, Sparks, Nev." - Red on white

REL-D1 Red Lion Inn & Casino
?" White Porcelain Ashtray
"Red Lion Inn & Casino, Elko, Nevada" - Red

RNB-A1 Rendezvous Bar
4 1/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"On The Strip, Rendezvous Bar, And Race Book, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black

RCI-02 Reno Club
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Reno Club Inc. Bingo" - White on green

RCI-A1 Reno Club
4 1/2" White Porcelain Ashtray
"Club Reno, Stardust Bar" - Red

RTC-03 Reno Turf Club
4 5/8" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Reno Turf Club, Phone 32906633, 280 North Center St., Reno, Nevada" - Red on yellow

REX-A1 Rex Club
3" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Art Nick, Rex Club, Tonopah, Nev" - Blue

RTZ-A1 Ritz Bar
3 3/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"OLE and John, Ritz Club, Elko, Nevada" - Black on Yellow

RTZ-B1 Ritz Bar
4 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Ritz Bar, Elko, Nevada, Herb and Dottie Know That You Stole This Tray" - Black on white

RTZ-C1 Ritz Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Elko, Ritz Bar, Ole & John, Nevada" - Green on white

RSH-01 Riverside Hotel
5" Black Porcelain Ashtray
"The Riverside Hotel" - White

RIV-06 Riviera Hotel
5" Black Bakelite Ashtray
"Dino's Riviera, Las Vegas, Delmonico" - White

RIV-B7 Riviera Hotel
4" Green Glass Ashtray
"The Magnificent Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red on white (Straight sniffers)

RIV-R1 Riviera Hotel
5" Brown Bakelite Ashtray
"Dino's Riviera, Las Vegas, Delmonico" - White (Like RIV-06, except brown)

RSI-B1 Roadside Inn, Mom's Place
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Dining - Dancing Gaming, Roadside Inn, 1 Mile W. - Fallon, Nev., Hiway 50" - Red on white

RNV-E1 Royal Nevada
3 9/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Royal Nevada, The Wonderful Where in Las Vegas" - White on red

SAD-A1 Saddle Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Borrowed From Saddle Club" - Brown on yellow

SWC-E1 Saddle West Casino
4 1/2" White Porcelain Ashtray
"Saddle West, Pahrump, NV" - Black

SCF-A1 Sagebrush Club
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"We Won At The Sagebrush, Roulette, Craps, ''21'', Slots, Richard Corkill, Bill Dougan, Fallon, Nevada" - White on red

SCF-B1 Sagebrush Club
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sagebrush Club & Cafe, Sportsman's Headquarters, Fallon, Nevada, Phone 135W" - Brown on green

SCF-D1 Sagebrush Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Sagebrush, Sportmen's - Stockmen's Headquarters, Walt Whitaker, Archie McIntosh, Fallon, Nevada" - Yellow on red

SAG-01 Saginaw Chippewa Casino
4 1/8" Black Bakelite Ashtray
"Saginaw Chips Card Room, Mt. Pleasant MI. 517-772-0827" - White

SAG-02 Saginaw Chippewa Casino
5" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Saginaw Chippewa Casino, Mt. Pleasant, MI" - Black

SAL-A1 Sal Sagev
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Meet Your Friends at the Sal Sagev Tavern, No. 1 Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red on green

SAL-B1 Sal Sagev
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sal Sagev Tavern, No. 1 Fremont St., Sid Martin Mgr., Las Vegas, Nevada" - Green

SAL-C1 Sal Sagev
?" Amethyst Glass Ashtray
"Sal Sagev Tavern, Sid Martin, Mgr., Las Vegas, Nev." - White

SAL-D1 Sal Sagev
?" Brown Bakelite Ashtray
"Sal Sagev Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Yellow

SAM-B1 Sam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sam's Town, Hotel Gambling Hall and Bowling Center, (702) 456-7777" - Black

SAN-G2 Sands (Las Vegas)
4 7/8" Orange Metal Ashtray
"The Sands, A Place in the Sun, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black

SAN-G4 Sands (Las Vegas)
4 7/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"The Sands, A Place in the Sun, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black

SAN-G9 Sands (Las Vegas)
5 x 6" Gold Metal Ashtray
"The Sands, Las Vegas" - Molded

SAN-T1 Sands (Las Vegas)
4 1/2" White Porcelain Ashtray
"Sands, Hotel Casino, Las Vegas" - Red

SNS-B3 Sans Souci
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Be Carefree at the Sans Souci, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black on white

SNS-B4 Sans Souci
4" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Be Carefree at the Sans Souci, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red (Large imprint)

SNS-D1 Sans Souci
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Las Vegas, Nevada, Without Care, The Sans Souci Hotel" - Black on white

SNS-E1 Sans Souci
3 9/16" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Be Carefree at the Sans Souci, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Black

STB-A1 Santa Anita Turf & Bar
4 1/2 x 5" Silver Metal Ashtray
"Good Luck, Santa Anita Turf & Bar, 113 Fremont Las Vegas Nevada" - Stamped

STB-A3 Santa Anita Turf & Bar
4 1/2 x 5" Orange Metal Ashtray
"Good Luck, Santa Anita Turf & Bar, 113 Fremont Las Vegas Nevada" - Stamped

STB-A4 Santa Anita Turf & Bar
4 1/2 x 5" Green Metal Ashtray
"Good Luck, Santa Anita Turf & Bar, 113 Fremont Las Vegas Nevada" - Stamped

STB-A5 Santa Anita Turf & Bar
4 1/2 x 5" Brown Metal Ashtray
"Good Luck, Santa Anita Turf & Bar, 113 Fremont Las Vegas Nevada" - Stamped

STB-B1 Santa Anita Turf & Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Santa Anita Turf & Bar, Phone 85 or 789, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Brown on white

SFH-A2 Santa Fe Hotel
3 1/4" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Cocktails, Basque & French Dinners, Santa Fe Hotel, 235 Lake St., Reno, Nevada" - Black on white

SFH-C1 Santa Fe Hotel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Basque Family Style Dinners, Santa Fe Hotel, 235 Lake St., Reno, Nevada" - Red on green

SCS-A1 Sawdust Corner Saloon
3 3/8 x 4 3/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sawdust Corner Saloon, Virginia City, Nevada" - Black on red

SCS-B1 Sawdust Corner Saloon
4 1/4" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Sawdust Corner, Virginia City, Nevada" - Black

SCO-91 Scotty's Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Meet Your Friends at Scotty's Club, Good Eats, Lunch Counter, Winnemucca, Nev." - Blue silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

SCO-A2 Scotty's Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Meet Your Friends at Scotty's Club, Good Eats, Lunch Counter, Winnemucca, Nev." - Black

SCO-B1 Scotty's Club
4 1/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"Swiped From, Scotty's Club, Phone 3-2647, Winnemucca, Nevada, Heat Wave" - Black

SEN-A3 Senator Club
3 1/4" Green Glass Ashtray
"Cactus Jack's Senator Club, Carson City, Nev., Howdy!" - Black on white

SEN-F1 Senator Club
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Meet Me At Ken's Bar and Senator Coffee Shop, Ken Johnson, Owner, Carson City Nevada" - Red and blue on white

SOR-A1 Senator Hotel & Sportsmen's Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Webby's Sportsmen's Bar and Senator Hotel, 602 ''B'' St., Sparks Nevada" - Blue on white

SLV-B1 Shamrock Hotel
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Shamrock Hotel, Bar, Casino, Swimming Pool, Dining Room, Phone 2200, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Green

SHP-A1 Ship Bar
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ship Bar, Bob and Walt, Carson City, Nev." - Red on white

SHP-B1 Ship Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Ship Bar, Les Goble, Gaming, Carson City, Nev." - Black on white

SHP-B2 Ship Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Ship Bar, Gaming, Carson City, Nev." - Blue on yellow

SHO-H1 Showboat Hotel & Casino
4 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Showboat, Las Vegas" - White

SHO-K1 Showboat Hotel & Casino
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Showboat, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Red on white

SSH-A3 Sierra Sid's Hotel-Casino
4 1/4" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Family Restaurant & Gift Shop, Sierra 76 Auto / Truck Plaza, I-80 & McCarran, Sparks (Reno) Nevada" - Blue and orange on white

SDB-A1 Silver Dollar Bar
3 13/16 x 1 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Jaramillo's Silver Dollar Bar, Slots - Pool Tables, Phone 635-2156, Battle Mountain, Nevada" - Blue

SDB-C1 Silver Dollar Bar
3 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Jaramillo Silver Dollar Bar, Slots - Pool Tables, Phone 635-2156, Battle Mountain, Nevada" - Red on white

SDS-A1 Silver Dollar Bar (Sparks)
4 1/2" Silver Metal Ashtray
"Silver Dollar Bar, See The Old Gun Collection, 1220 B Street, Sparks, Nevada, Geo. Hopkins, Prop." - Black

SID-91 Silver Dollar Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Silver Dollar Casino, Bar Slots, Complete Gaming, 261 N. Virginia, Reno" - Black on white (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

SID-A1 Silver Dollar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Silver Dollar Club, Choice Wines & Liquors, 400 Commercial St. Elko, Nevada" - Green on white

SID-B1 Silver Dollar Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Silver Dollar Club, Mixed Drinks, Pool Tables, 738-9112, 400 Commercial St. Elko, Nevada" - Green on white

SPV-E1 Silver Palace
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Silver Palace, Downtown Las Vegas" - Black on white

SPV-E2 Silver Palace
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"Silver Palace, Downtown Las Vegas" - Black on white

SPG-01 Silver Palace, Gene's
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Gene's Silver Palace, Yerington, Nevada" - Green on white

SPG-B1 Silver Palace, Gene's
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Compliments of Gene's Silver Palace, Yerington, Nevada" - Yellow on orange

SSF-A1 Silver Spur (Fernley)
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Lee and Flora, Silver Spur Bar, Phone 2-851, Fernley, Nevada" - Red on white

SSF-B1 Silver Spur (Fernley)
3 3/4 x 4 3/4" Yellow Metal Ashtray
"Silver Spur Bar, Lee and Flora Stoner, Phone 2851, Fernley, Nevada" - Black

SIS-Z3 Silver Spur Casino (Carson City)
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Jackpot Headquarters, Good Food, Silver Spur, Carson City, Nevada" - White on blue felt

SDK-A1 Sky Deck
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Relax With the ... Reggie's Sky Deck, Virginia City, Nevada … Million Dollar View" - Red on white

SDK-A2 Sky Deck
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Relax With the ... Reggie's Sky Deck, Virginia City, Nevada … Million Dollar View" - Black on white

SKH-A1 Sky Harbor
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sky Harbor, On the South Shore, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, On Highway 50" - Yellow on brown

SKH-B1 Sky Harbor
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sky Harbor Casino, On the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Red on white

SKY-D2 Skyline Casino & Restaurant
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Skyline Casino, Henderson, Nev., Craps - 21 - Bingo, Slots, Cocktails - Fine Food" - Red on white

SKY-E1 Skyline Casino & Restaurant
3 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Skyline, Casino Restaurant, Henderson, Nevada, Packaged Liquor, Cocktails, Restaurant, Slots, Poker,''21''" - Violet

SJV-A1 Sneak Joint
?" Black Plastic Ashtray
"Sneak Joint Cocktail Lounge, 2358 Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada, 735-6331" - White

SNO-91 Snowshoe Lodge
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Snowshoe Lodge; A 'reproduction' ashtray made by applying a vinyl decal to the bottom of an old ashtray, then painted over. (2018)" - Red on white decal

SNO-92 Snowshoe Lodge
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Snowshoe Lodge; A 'reproduction' ashtray made by applying a vinyl decal to the bottom of an old ashtray, then painted over. (2019)" - Red on white decal

SNO-93 Snowshoe Lodge
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Snowshoe Lodge; A 'reproduction' ashtray. (2024)" - Red on white silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

SOI-F1 Sonoma Inn
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"''The Pride of Nevada's Highways'', Sonoma Inn, Winnemucca Nevada" - Red on white

SOI-G1 Sonoma Inn
?" Black Plastic Ashtray
"Sonoma Inn, Winnemucca, Nevada (American Express Logo)" - White

SPT-A1 South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa
4 1/2" White Ceramic Ashtray
"South Point, Las Vegas" - Black, multi

SPP-A1 Sportsman's Bar & Casino
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"the Sportsman's, Cocktails, Entertainment, Games, Package Goods, Boulder Hwy., Pittman, Nev." - Black on white

STG-B1 Stag Bar
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"At the Arch, The Stag Bar, Reno, Nevada" - Brown on green

SCI-A2 Stagecoach Inn (Elko)
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Gaming - Bar - Dancing, Stage Coach Inn, Elko Nevada, Fine Chinese Foods, Most Liberal Slot Machines" - Red on yellow

SBC-E1 Star Bar Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Star Bar - Casino, Italian & Basque Family Style Dinners, Elko, Nevada, Phone - 406W" - Red on yellow

SLT-A1 Stardust (Lake Tahoe)
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Friendliest Club on the South Shore, Stolen From Stardust, Gaming - Dining Cocktails, 1/2 Mi. East of Stateline, Nev., at Beautiful Lake Tahoe" - Orange on white

SLT-A2 Stardust (Lake Tahoe)
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Friendliest Club on the South Shore, Stolen From Stardust, Gaming - Dining Cocktails, 1/2 Mi. East of Stateline, Nev., at Beautiful Lake Tahoe" - Orange on black

STR-C5 Stardust Hotel & Casino
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"Stardust Hotel, Las Vegas" - White (Like STR-06, except green glass)

RRS-A1 Stardust, Ray and Ruth's
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ray and Ruth's Stardust, Jackpot, Nevada, SKyline 5-4288" - Blue on pink

SLH-E1 State Line Hotel & Casino
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"East Line Nevada, State Line Hotel - Inc., Cafe - Bar, Lounge & Casino, P.O. Box 37, Wendover, Utah" - Blue

SLH-G1 State Line Hotel & Casino
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"East Line, Nevada P.O., State Line Hotel, Cafe - Casino, Wendover, Utah" - White on red

SCC-91 Stateline Country Club
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"State Line Club; A 'reproduction' ashtray made by applying a vinyl decal to the bottom of an old ashtray, then painted over. (2019)" - Blue on yellow decal

SCC-N1 Stateline Country Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"State Line Country Club, Sahati Bros., Lake Tahoe Nev." - Red on yellow

SCC-P1 Stateline Country Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"On The South Shore of Lake Tahoe, Stateline Country Club, Stateline, Nev., Dining - Dancing - Gaming - Cocktails" - Blue

SCC-Q2 Stateline Country Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"On the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, Stateline Country Club, U.S. Hwy. 50, Stateline, Nevada, Dining - Dancing - Gaming - Cocktails" - White on red (Imprint has no scalloped outline)

SCC-S1 Stateline Country Club
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"On the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, Stateline Country Club, U.S. Hwy. 50, Stateline, Nevada, Dining - Dancing - Gaming - Cocktails" - Black on white (Like SCC-02, except black on white imprint)

STO-N1 Stockman's Bar & Restaurant
3 3/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Stolen From Stockman's Club, Hwy. 95 and 50, Fallon, Nevada" - White on black

STO-E1 Stockmen's Hotel
?" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Jackpot Winner, Stockmen's Hotel, Elko, Nevada" - White on black

STK-A1 Stork Club
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Reno Stork Club" - Red

SBL-A1 Sun Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sun Bar, Open 24 Hours, 925 Cornell - Lovelock, Nev., CR.3-9943" - Orange on purple

SBL-B1 Sun Bar
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Sun Bar, Hy. 40 Lovelock, Nev., Ed & Kay, CR.3-9943" - Yellow on black

SBL-C1 Sun Bar
4 1/8" Pearl Amber Glass Ashtray
"Sun Cafe & Bar, Good Food, Open 24 Hours, Dial CR.3-2800, Lovelock, Nevada" - Orange

SBL-C2 Sun Bar
4 1/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Sun Cafe & Bar, Good Food, Open 24 Hours, Dial CR.3-2156, Lovelock, Nevada" - Orange on blue

SWK-A1 Swanky Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Bob and Pearl Greet You ..., Swanky Club, Smorgasbord Dinners, Bar and Casino, Between Boulder City and Pittman" - Green on white

SWK-C1 Swanky Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Swanky Club, Motel - Cocktail Lounge, Smorgasbord, Henderson - Nevada, Phone 565-9997" - Red

TAB-D1 Tahoe Biltmore Lodge & Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tahoe Biltmore Hotel and Cottages, Crystal Bay, Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Red on white

TBL-A1 Tahoe Bowl
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tahoe Bowl, ''Bowling in the Sky'', Stateline - Lake Tahoe - Nevada" - Green on white

TAV-B1 Tahoe Village
4 7/8" Blue Metal Ashtray
"Tahoe Village, Fly In, Drive In, On Highway 50, Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Black

TAM-A1 Tamarack Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Benny's Tamarack Bar, Reno, Nev." - Green

TNH-02 Ta-Neva-Ho
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ta-Neva-Ho Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Blue on white

TTV-A1 Tarry Tavern
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tarry Tavern, Fine Foods and Cocktails, Nevada's Finest Rooms, Gaming, Gardnerville, Nevada" - Red on black

TEX-A1 Texan, The (Winnemucca)
?" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Our Slots Have No Lemons. The Texan, Dial MA.3.2840, Downtown, Winnemucca, Nevada" - Red

TEX-B1 Texan, The (Winnemucca)
4" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Our Slots Have No Lemons. The Texan, Dial MA. 3-2840, Downtown, Winnemucca, Nevada" - Red on black

THU-15 Thunderbird Hotel & Casino
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Del Webb's Thunderbird Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nev." - Yellow on black

THU-H1 Thunderbird Hotel & Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Thunderbird Hotel, Las Vegas Nevada" - Green

THU-K3 Thunderbird Hotel & Casino
3 1/2" Green Glass Ashtray
"Thunderbird Hotel, Las Vegas nevada" - Red and black

THU-V1 Thunderbird Hotel & Casino
5 x 6" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Thunderbird, Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas" - Molded

TON-04 Tonopah Club
3 7/16" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Tonopah Club Cafe, Harold R. Hunter" - Blue on yellow

TON-D1 Tonopah Club
4 1/4" Orange Metal Ashtray
"Tonopah Club, Tonopah, Nevada, Known From Coast To Coast, Gaming - Dancing - Cocktail Lounge" - Black

TON-D2 Tonopah Club
?" Copper Metal Ashtray
"Tonopah Club, Tonopah, Nevada, Known From Coast To Coast, Gaming - Dancing - Cocktail Lounge" - Black

TON-E1 Tonopah Club
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tonopah Club, Cocktail Lounge, Gaming - Dancing, Tonopah, Nevada," - White on green

TNY-A1 Tony's Bar
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"At Beautiful Lake Tahoe - South Shore, Tony's Slot Machine Bar, Home of More Jack Pots, U.S. Hwy. 50 State Line, Nev." - Green

TNY-B1 Tony's Bar
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tony's Club at Beautiful Lake Tahoe, Gaming, Cocktails, Hwy. 50, Lake Tahoe, Nev." - Black on white

TOS-91 Toscano Bar
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"French Toscano Bar, ''Where to Meet Your Friends'', August Bucchianeri, Carson City, Nevada" - Black silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

THC-A1 Town Hall Club
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Town Hall, Cafe - Bar - Gambling, Tonopah, Nevada" - Red on white

TOH-B2 Town House
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"''The Riding Lesson'', The Town House Reno" - Red on white

TOH-D1 Town House
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"''The Riding Lesson'', The Town House Reno" - Red on white

THE-A1 Town House, Elko
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ken's Town House, Elko, Nevada" - Red on white

TCB-A1 Towne Cafe & Bar
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Towne Cafe Bar & Casino, Ely, Nev." - Red on white

TCY-A1 Tracy's
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tracy's Cocktails - Gaming, Coffee Shop, Lovelock, Nevada" - White on blue

TFC-A2 Trail 40 Bar & Cafe
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Payinest Slots in the West, Trail Bar 40 Cafe, Wells, Nev., Home of the You Betcha Sandwich" - Red

TRK-A1 Trenkle's
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Trenkle's Bar & Casino, Hawthorne, Nevada" - Black on white

TRO-04 Tropicana Hotel & Country Club
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Hotel Tropicana, Las Vegas" - Gold

TRO-R1 Tropicana Hotel & Country Club
3 1/2" Blue Glass Ashtray
"Hotel Tropicana, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Clear thru white

TUX-C1 Tux, The, Reno
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Steakery - Dancing - Gaming - Slots, Lew Moreno's Tux Club, 1303 E. 4th St., Reno, Nevada" - Black

TUX-D1 Tux, The, Reno
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"The Tux, Spanish-American Food, Reno, Nevada, 1303 East 4th St." - Red on white

TSC-A1 Twin States Club
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"At the South End of Lake Tahoe, Twin States Club, Stateline - Nevada" - Blue on white

PLA-C1 Union Plaza Hotel & Casino
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Union Plaza, Las Vegas" - Yellow and red

UST-91 US 40 Tavern
3 11/164" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Where Good Pals Meet, US 40 Tavern, 640 E. 4th St. Reno, Nev., Al - Ray - Bing, Home of Western Music" - Red silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

UST-A3 US 40 Tavern
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Where Good Pals Meet, US 40 Tavern, 640 E. 4th St. Reno, Nev., Al - Ray - Bing, Home of Western Music" - Red on white

UST-B1 US 40 Tavern
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Where Good Pals Meet, U.S. 40 Tavern, Reno, Nev., Your Hosts, Al, Ray, Bing" - Red on white

UST-C1 US 40 Tavern
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Where Good Pals Meet, US 40 Tavern, 640 4th St. Reno, Nev., Al - Ray - Bing, Home of Western Music" - Red

VAL-01 Valley Inn Casino
3 11/16" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Valley Inn Casino" - Black

VAL-B1 Valley Inn Casino
3 1/2" Smoke Glass Ashtray
"Valley Inn Club, Mesquite, Nevada" - Black on white

VIC-91 Victory Club
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tommy's Victory Club, Gaming, Racehorse Keno, Carson City Nevada" - Blue silkscreen (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

VIC-B1 Victory Club
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Victory Club Cafe, Fine Foods, Carson City, Nev." - Green on white

VIC-C1 Victory Club
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tommy's Victory Club, Gaming, Race Horse Keno, Carson City Nevada" - Blue on white

VIC-C5 Victory Club
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Tommy's Victory Club, Gaming - Cocktails, Carson City, Nevada" - White on blue

VLR-A1 Villa Roma
4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Ines & August Cortesi, Your Hosts, Villa Roma, Italian Dinners, Cocktails, Reno, Nevada, One Mile West On U.S. Highway 40" - Red on white

VVE-A1 Villa Venice
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"World Famous Villa Venice, Italian Restaurant, Las Vegas, Nevada" - Green on white

VRB-A1 Virginia Bar
4 7/8" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Stolen From Virginia Bar, 233 North Virginia St., Reno, Nevada" - Black

VRB-A2 Virginia Bar
4 7/8" Gold Metal Ashtray
"Stolen From Virginia Bar, 233 N. Virginia St., Phone 21492 - Reno, Nev." - Black

WWL-A1 Wagon Wheel
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"I Go To The Wagon Wheel, 136 E. Commercial Way, Reno, Nevada" - Black on white

WWL-B1 Wagon Wheel
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Bar, Liquor Store, The Wagon Wheel, 136 E. Commercial Row, Reno, Nevada, 116 E. Commercial Row, Deluxe Cafe, Famous Chinese Foods" - Black on white

WWB-A1 Wagon Wheel Bar - Heyday Inn
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Chicken Dinners, Charcoal Broiled Steaks, Heyday Ranch Inn and Wagon Wheel Bar, Phone 2161, Wellington, Nevada" - Brown on yellow

WWC-B2 Wagon Wheel Motel-Casino
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Wagon Wheel, Wells Nevada, Gaming Lounge Cafe, Motel Hotel" - White on red

WWC-B3 Wagon Wheel Motel-Casino
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Wagon Wheel, Wells Nevada, Gaming Lounge Cafe, Motel Hotel" - Red on white

WWC-C1 Wagon Wheel Motel-Casino
4 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"I Stole This From Wagon Wheel Motel and Casino, Hiway 40 & 93, Wells, Nevada" - Green on white

WAS-A1 Washoe Cafe
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Washoe Cafe and Cocktail Lounge, Reno" - Green

WAT-A2 Waterhole #1
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Water Hole #1, Golconda, Nevada" - Green (Indonesia moulded under side)

WES-20 Western Club
3 3/8" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Western Club, on ''America's Main Street'' Lovelock, Nevada" - Brown on white

WHB-A1 White Horse Bar
3 1/4" Clear Glass Ashtray
"White Horse Bar, S. Virg. Road, Reno" - White on black

WHI-A1 White Horse Inn
3 11/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Hotel - Bar - Slots, White Horse Inn, The Ocamicas, Meals, Oregon 1, Nevada 2, Hiway 95, McDermitt" - White and green

YUC-A1 Yucca Club
4 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Stolen From The Yucca Club, Las Vegas, Nevada, Southern Nevada's Favorite Night Club, On Boulder Highway, Come As You Are" - Black on white

ZAN-02 Zanzibar
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Zanzibar, Cocktails, Craps - 21, Don - Lynn, N. Las Vegas, Nev" - Blue on white

ZAN-A1 Zanzibar
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Zanzibar, Cocktails, Entertainment, Dancing, Casino, N. Las Vegas, Nev." - Red on white

ZAN-A2 Zanzibar
3 7/16" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Zanzibar, Cocktails, Entertainment, Dancing, Casino, N. Las Vegas, Nev." - Blue on white

ZEP-02 Zephyr Cove Lodge
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Zephyr Cove Lodge - Resort, Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Red

ZEP-04 Zephyr Cove Lodge
3 1/2" Amber Glass Ashtray
"Zephyr Cove Lodge - Resort, Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Red

ZEP-91 Zephyr Cove Lodge
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe in Nevada" - Blue on white (A silk screened fake, sold on eBay by seller greencOkecollector)

ZEP-B1 Zephyr Cove Lodge
3 1/2" Clear Glass Ashtray
"Zephyr Cove Lodge & Resort, Lake Tahoe, Nevada" - Blue (Like ZEP-03, except blue imprint)

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